The Real Reel

A selection of key portfolio pieces encapsulated in a self promotion animation reel, I dubbed the Real Reel. The various elements of the animation incorporate pieces from my personal visual identity.

Illustrator / Lightroom / Premiere / After Effects


The Challenge

Through the use of interactive media and motion design, I was challenged to gather the most killer content from my reservoir of projects and bring it to life. Rather than just have each project as a static image, I needed to consider how the graphic elements would flow into each other. Many of my projects vary in medium so creating a cohesive reel was another challenge. Ultimately, I found my solution by filming and interacting with the physical objects to show their scale and complexity in harmony with my digital work.


The Method

As with every design, I began with storming the good ol’ brain. I looked at demo reels from my favorite motion designers and noted aspects of each reel that I thought were effective. Next was music, a perfect opportunity to use my obsession with listening to 80s and 90s Japanese City Pop. With a high BPM and funky feel, it’s the perfect genre to convey my personality and interests. My own handwriting became the basis for the handwritten text of the reel.

Real Reel Process.png

A Not So Edible Arrangement


Complex Object Drawing