Food Desert Infographic

Representing data can take over multiple dimensions, and extensive research into different subtopics can show depth to a visual display of data. Ultimately, this can reveal unexpected connections within the information which otherwise couldn't be seen.

All parts were laser cut, printed, wood stained, and assembled by hand
Illustrator / InDesign / Photoshop / Lightroom
8 x 5.5 inches, print

Map 1.jpg

The Challenge

This project relates to researching, learning, and teaching others about major health issues at a local, national, or global scale. I decided to investigate food deserts within Baltimore, Maryland. A food desert is an area where it’s difficult to access affordable, nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Especially in Baltimore, differences in age, ethnicity, and income all compound the disparities of healthy food access. Researching these layers of information, in combination with other sources of analysis, revealed patterns that impacted a resident’s access to nutrition.

Overview 1.jpg
Title page.jpg
Spead 1.jpg
Overview 2.jpg
Top spread detail.jpg
Spead opening 1.jpg
Front cover detail.jpg
Date detail.jpg

The Method

It was helpful to approach this project like telling a story, with an introduction, body, and conclusion. I needed to cast a wide net while researching to find the information that is crucial, secondary, and tertiary to the story. With this in mind, I sketched graphs and visual displays to support key points. The order of each graphic also helped to tell the story of food deserts in affecting the population of Baltimore.

Process 1.jpg
Process 2.jpg

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