Kobe Coffee Fest
Poster Animation

A static poster brought to life by breaking down and categorizing its visual elements, infusing them with the energy of a coffee fest, and reassembling them through frame by frame animation.

All coffee elements were animated by hand
Illustrator / RoughAnimator / Photoshop / After Effects

Kobe Gallery Thumbnail.gif

The Challenge

Given that a poster is usually just a static representation of elements, what is the best way to bring it to life? Animation of course! I was challenged to choose a poster and dissect its content, making note of how the messages, visuals, energy, and existing branding could be leveraged to create an animation ending with a grand reveal of the completed poster.


The Method

When selecting a poster to animate, I purposefully looked for an option with large, flat areas of color rather than complex shading or pictures. This simplicity gave me a lot of flexibility to extend the existing visual language to connect each animation sequence.

Golden Forest is the perfect track to multiply the impact of the motion of each poster element with a series of strong beats followed by silence. Keeping the visual language of the poster in mind, I found it helpful to listen to the song with my eyes closed to picture the story told by the melody.

Kobe Coffee Poster Animation Video Thumbnail.jpg

The first sequence featuring the mug on the poster involved placing a mug model at every stage of falling in Sketchup and rendering each frame with V-Ray.

Sketchup Mug Falling Comp.png

After storyboarding, I moved to my iPad and animated various transitions and elements in RoughAnimator, frame by frame. The textures which appear in the final animation were created using masks in After Effects.


Food Desert Infographic


A Not So Edible Arrangement