JUST DO IT Animation

A short kinetic typography animation that uses fiery colors and quick movement to convey the energy of Shia LaBeouf’s Just Do It speech.

All smoke elements were animated by hand
Illustrator / RoughAnimator / After Effects

Just Do It.gif

The Challenge

Taking a short audio clip, I was challenged to make it come to life using only color, typography, and simple shapes. It was difficult to consider applying different design principles over time instead of a static composition. But exploring timing and anticipation in combination with traditional design principles led to a bold solution.


The Method

I wanted the attitude of the audio to show through in the animation with bold typography. Shia LaBeouf is literally shouting at you to make your dreams come true. Choosing fiery colors to represent passion also helped the words make their impact.

Storyboards Compiled.jpg

Courage Over Comfort


Apple Danish Braid Recipe Book